my first mac
i just got a Mac! PowerPC 7100/66AV. its kinda old.
not much else to post about.
one of my site's on was recently deleted (without warning). that site had my 12-12 Monster Fusion drivers (with InControl Tools 99).
i dont know when, or if i will have the driver replaced. sorry.
i got Windows 2000 running as my main OS now on my computer... it works with pretty much all my hardware.
i just got a CD burner too like two days ago. a Yamaha 4x 4x 16x. its SCSI too, so i had to get me one of them SCSI cards. :)
since i got a burner now, i had to get some software. the burner came with Easy CD Creator 3.5, which seems nice. i downloaded Nero from, its cool too, plus it lets me burn 700 megs to a cd and lets me make music CDs with my MP3s.
there was a bug with Nero though too. when i right-clicked on my cd-burner or dvd-rom, a window would pop up and say
"For volume mounting a needed driver could not be found or has the wrong version. Please run installer to get all files."
that message made little sense to me. :)-~ i did find out others had that error message too. i found out how to fix it after messing around in the registry for a few minutes.
if you have Nero, and are getting that error message, delete this key from your registry:
that should make the message go away.
windows 200 and stuff Read More »
Wow.. I haven't updated this news section in a long time...
Things that are new:
- I got a guinea pig.
- I dyed my hair blonde.
- I found out my girlfriend is pregnant!
- I bought a Creative Labs 3D Blaster RIVA TNT2 card.
- There was a fix "released" for Asheron's Call and 3dfx cards. (@render texpage off)
- I pulled out my TNT2 card because of the above fix (I should be taking it back *today*)
- I was thinking about adding a small TNT2 section... I don't have the card anymore, but I should be getting a TNT2 Ultra again some day (it's a great card!), and I had some issues with the card that I might be able to help others with.
games and preggers Read More »