random links

A few things... I got to visit some nice web sites over the weekened...
PlanetDreamcast - A Sega Dreamcast site.

Bad Movies - Reviews, ratings, and plenty of media clips from several "B" movies.

Religious Tolerance - A site that informs and educates people on the various kinds of religions.

X-Entertainment - A site that looks at pop culture, mostly at a LOT of retro 80's stuff.

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yay Sears

Last night I tried to get on the net with my Dreamcast (using NetZero of course), and I found out my modem no longer worked. I haven't used my Dreamcast online in while (several months), so there is no way for me to know when it broke... I found out Sega doesn't sell replacement modems... I was able to return my Dreamcast to where I bought it from, Sears... Keep in mind I had no receipt, and no box, just the system. Since I bought it at Sears with my Sears card, they brought up my "records" on their system there, and that was good enough as a receipt to them. They gave me a new Dreamcast system.
Sears is cool. :)

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I recently contacted Southwestern Bell, and I should be getting DSL within the next two weeks!

MSNBC has a report on Gnutella.
Here is a snip from it:

Marc Andreessen, a co-founder of Netscape Communications and a former chief technology officer for AOL, compares Gnutella to a benevolent virus, a "revolutionary" program that spreads the power of publishing from an elite set of corporations to anyone who has a computer.
"It changes the Internet in a way that it hasn't changed since the browser," Andreessen said.

The rest was here: http://www.msnbc.com/news/409207.asp

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dad :)

In about 4 months I will be a dad. I have several ultra-sounds of my kid in my girlfriend's tummy. I was hoping to upload some pics of them soon (maybe later today).

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banshee newsgroup

According to 3dfx, the Banshee newsgroup is slated for deletion on 4/14/00 from the 'news.3dfx.com' news server.

From 3dfx:

Subject: From 3dfx: 3dfx.products.voodoobanshee Being Relocated to 3dfxgamers.com

In order to better serve our customers, the 3dfx.products.voodoobanshee newsgroup is being consolidated with the Voodoo Banshee forum on 3dfxgamers.com. As of 4-14-00, the 3dfx.products.voodoobanshee group will no longer be active on the USENET server. Please make sure to visit the Voodoo Banshee forum at http://www.3dfxgamers.com/boards.asp for the latest information on the Voodoo Banshee!

3dfx Interactive, Inc.
[remove the "nospam" from the address to contact me via e-mail]

*Visit our 3dfx Gamer's site!*

The Banshee newsgroup of course has been home to many Banshee users for over two years.

Some have planned to move to the 'voodoo2' newsgroup on the same server, and of course I suggested my message forum.
This message is being dual posted to my forum and main news page. This is also a welcome to anyone from the newsgroup to "come on in" and start up a thread (most people hate web based forums though).

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