At 02:49 (-6 GMT, Central Standard Time) this morning (August 7th, 2000), my girlfriend gave birth to a baby girl.

She let out a little cry. She was born six weeks early. I've have been up pretty much since Thursday because of her! I called in sick thursday because my g/f was in pain (I had to be there for her in case she needed to go to doctor or something), I called in sick Friday again because she was in more pain (stabbing pain) and was going to the doctor. When we got to the doctor, he wanted her to go to the hospital.

There was some minor things the doctors didn't like at the time (my g/f's kidneys weren't working right or something, plus the kid hasn't been growing like it should have since she wasnt getting nourishment correctly from her mother). Because of the minor issues, the doctors wanted the kid out (she wasnt in danger at the time, but if left in, there would be risks).

She was 4 lbs, 4 oz.

I cried a little when watching her being born.

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more gaems

Tony Hawk for Dreamcast has been ripped. Around 40 Sega Dreamcast games now are available for download. (Be sure to check out DC ISOs for current Dreamcast information.)
Remember, never buy a pirated game. Report anyone trying to sell pirated games to [email protected]. I'm not going to say playing a copied/pirated game is right or wrong, but *buying* a pirated game is very wrong.

I'm most likely canceling my Asheron's Call account soon. I couldn't sell the damned thing on eBay, so it looks like my stuff will simply be deleted. I've lost too much interest in the game now and play EverQuest more.

I tried canceling AOL. I have been an AOL member for the past 5 years now and have finally decided there is no point to it now. I called AOL and told them I wanted to cancel. Instead of canceling me, I get two months free now and will be switched to a $2.95 a month plan. That's all nice and everything, but I will probably call again in two months to cancel.

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Dreamcast hacked

A LOT of stuff has happened these past few days!

The Sega Dreamcast GD-ROM format was hacked, and several (over 15 at least) games were copied and passed around on the net. Yes, I did get to download several of them, and no - I will not help you find any of them.

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I have DSL!!!
Minor tip (it worked for me, and I connect via PPPoE). If your connection don't seem that great (ie: you get bursts of data, then the connection will just sit there without doing anything), un-bind TCP/IP from your DSL modem adapter in Network properties. This of course is for Windows. I don't believe it will affect you in Linux/MacOS/BeOS.

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I got to play the Daikatana demo. My opinion? In a word, "crap." I wanted to like this game, but I just couldn't. Something about it seemed wrong. I'm not good at giving reviews - so I'm not going to! ;) You may like the game though. With all the effort that was put into this game by the 300 or so people that worked and quit working on it over the past 3 years, there should be something in it for somebody!

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