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yay deer

Like a day or two ago, while coming home from work, some insane deer darted out in front of my car. Like most people do when deer dart out in front of their cars, I smashed into the little bitch.
That of course, did a bit of damage to my vehicle. The front of my car looks pretty nasty, but still runs. I had to get a new head light, and two new blinkers. If I sneeze too hard, I swear my left headlight will pop out of the front of my car. *Nothing* is holding it in. It is just sitting on the front of my car, held in place only by the wires from the light bulbs in it.

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PS2 and weak pay

No PS2 for me! :(
After work, I decided to check a 24 hour Wal-Mart near me to see if they had any Playstation 2s. I was told that several people were camping at the store since 6 AM on the 25th. Yes, they had waited at the store 18 hours to get a PS2 at midnight. Of course none were left.
I then went to another Wal-Mart, one that isn't 24 hour. I got off work at 6 AM, and the Wal-Mart opened at 7 AM. I got to the store at around 6:45 AM, and saw that a few people were waiting outside. I knew that particular Wal-Mart had exactly six PS2s sitting inside. It looked like there was around six people standing at the doors too, so I figured perhaps that some of the people may be together, and there would be still a chance I could nab a PS2. Well, as I got to the door, I asked "so are ALL of you getting a PS2, or are some of you together?" One person responded. He was like "we're all getting one, we have vouchers." He then held up some red piece of paper. I'm like WTF? This Wal-Mart wasn't reserving them. The guy continued on that they had all been waiting there since 8 PM on the 25th, and were allowed to reserve a system. They just had to wait there to make sure they got it.
Oh well. I still think the PS2 sucks. It doesn't even bother me that much that I didn't get one. That just leaves more money on my credit cards for Dreamcast games. :)

Oh yeah, like last week I got a job at a wonderful place known as WHITE CASTLE. Yes kids, fast food... Everyone knows how FUN that is. I think it sucks already without even being there a full week yet. But there is ONE thing that is certainly keeping me there. THE PAY. DAMN does this place pay good! They pay close to TWICE as much as what McDonald's paid me when I worked there while going to school. They also pretty much pay what my last job did - of course it's a lot harder than my last job though. :/

While listening to an Internet radio show, I heard a very amusing song. It was a rock and roll remix of the Contra music (from the 8-bit Nintendo).
I shortly found out from an IRC chat room that it was by a band called Minibosses.
Their page can be found here: They have a lot of MP3s of various Nintendo game music they have redone.
I liked their Castlevania songs (1 and 2), Contra song, and Ghost N Goblins song.
Check 'em out.

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what is irony?


Yes kids, today after showing up for work, I was promptly told I was no longer needed at my job of two years.

I got my last pay check, a hand shake, and then I was off.

Which brings me to the word IRONY...

After taking my car to a nearby Firestone station for an oil change while I was at work - my car would sometimes die after starting up. After it dying so many times, and me being stranded someplace about three times, I took it back to Firestone. They charged me $80 to run a diagnostic on it. After running the diagnostic, they told me they knew exactly what was wrong with it, and charged me close to $300 in repairs and parts. They then said in order for them to guarantee the work, I would have to purchase a $80 car battery from them. I didn't do it (Wal Mart has batteries for just $30!), and therefore never got their "guarantee."

After leaving Firestone, my car promptly broke down again. Nothing had changed. Nothing was fixed. The car did the same thing. Yet Firestone had almost $400 of my money. Me paying that much had basically maxed out my Visa card. I had no more money to get it fixed.

The next day, I went back to Firestone. They ran a diagnostic on the car again, said "nothing was wrong with it" and then refused to fix anything else or give my money back.

About two weeks ago, I got a Platinum Master Card in the mail. With my new found supply of money, I got some parts after my girlfriend's dad took over the job of fixing my car. He knew exactly what was wrong with it (it was an electrical problem).

The part cost around $75. That's it. I paid Firestone close to $400 and they didn't do a damn thing.

So now, my car works. It starts up fine, it runs great, and I haven't had a problem with it since!

Oh yeah, back to the word irony...
I've missed work a lot over the past month because of the car. But now, the first day I went back to work with my car working perfectly - I no longer have a job! The entire time my car was broken I could come in on any day and work - but when I have a guaranteed ride to work now - I have no work to go to. That is irony.

Or is it?

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no money

I recently ran out of money.
About two months ago, my car starting doing funny stuff. After I would go somewhere, it would refuse to run - and then refuse to start up at all. Me and my girlfriend got stranded all over the place - including being stranded in some places with our newborn. After a while, me and my girlfriend got to work less and less, and our paychecks shrunk over and over.
Because of the lack of money - we now have to move. I am moving back into my mother's, and she is moving back to her parents - with our kid. :(
I am losing my house and my family. My car doesn't work, and I've maxed out TWO credit cards trying to get it fixed. Those assholes at Firestone have over $600 of my money and they left me with a broken car.
On the lighter side of things, I just got a new Master Card in the mail today with another $3,000 I can max out on car repairs and other crap.

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