ebay stuff

Crap! Shit! Damn! I just found out I needed the item I just sold on eBay! My Ram cart for Saturn doesn't work with some games I got. I have been using a "Action Replay 4M Plus" - but X-Men vs. Street Fighter and Street Fighter Zero 3 don't work with it - but they work with the Ultra Madness 4M Turbo Key (that I just sold). I just sent an e-mail to the buyer of the item, explaining my situation. If I go through the transaction, I have to mail off the only device I have that lets me play these games. I would be left with two useless CDs. If I try to backout, I will have 1 pissed off customer, possible bad feedback, and I might get in trouble with eBay. :(

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dracula x

I recently bought the import of "Akumajo Dracula X - Gekka No Yasoukyoku" on Sega Saturn. Basically it's 'Castlevania: Symphony of the Night' as seen on PSX (plus a few enhancements such as more playable characters and extra stages). On the CD, there was a directory full of images. All of them were hand drawn art related to the game.

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forum update

Haven't updated my pages in a bit. I've been messing with CGI stuff and my forum. The forum software I use, YaBB, is pretty neat. There is like a whole community of people working on the code. There is an official release of it, and lots of modifications. I just wish there was more traffic to my site and forum... I've put a lot of time into modifying code, and it's a shame no one is seeing it.

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forum stuff

Ok, I re-did my forum, AGAIN. I'm back to YaBB after an e-mail from Archu stated that she got an e-mail from Infopop for using the UBB software. Blah. Anyway, the forum is "New and Improved" - with the newest version of the YaBB software, some custimized graphics, and plenty of hacks in the CGI. You can now have your own custom graphic associated with your login name.

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