
eBay was not happy with the auction I had. Here is the mail I got from them:

Your auction listing offered to sell potentially infringing material, "Mod Chips" and/or other devices with the capability of permitting the play of pirated product and/or import games on a domestic system. Such devices bypass a copyright security system in the console. By bypassing this protection system the device is infringing the copyrights of the content owner.

They should be happy to know that I did end up backing out of the deal, since it seemed the item was un-replacable. However, I recently got a new 'Action Replay Plus' that works with the games I tried it with, while my old 'Action Replay Plus' did not.

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i really hate the weather in St Louis now. its freezing cold. colder than i remember it ever being. it has also snowed a lot in the past few weeks, the most snow i've seen in years. one of the worst things about all the cold weather is that my water pipes at my house freeze. they froze like two weeks ago, and after thawing them out and setting something up to keep them warmer, they froze again this morning..! i had to wash my hands and make my baby's bottle this morning with some bottled water we had.

being outside hurts my nose. it feels like my nostrils freeze. windchill was like 50 below zero or something the other day.

just saw this.. had to add it. :)

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news system

I just installed a new news system to make posting news easier to the page.

Before, I would edit the HTML of my main page, scroll down to where the news is stored, and then add whatever it was I wanted to add.

Having this new news system will allow me to update my page much easier, and even be able to easily update it when I'm away from home.

Of course, since I'm still just testing this news script, things might look messed up (as things did in my Forum for a day or two)...

If stuff simply doesn't seem to work (after a few days of use), I will simply put all the news from the script into my main News file.. Or something. ;p

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w00t! It's my 21st birthday today!

There has been some on-offical tradition that some people have that they buy alcohol at midnight when they turn 21. I couldn't get any alcohol at midnight, because almost every place I went to kept saying state law didn't allow the sale of alcohol at that specific time of day, on that specific day of the week (Monday, 12 AM). Wal-Mart said state law was 12:30, and every other place said state law was 12:00. I was told that Tuesday through Sunday had a time of 1:30 AM before alcohol wasn't supposed to be sold. None of that shit makes sense to me. I was quite dissapointed that I didn't get to acquire my first "legal" alcoholic drink ever. I had been looking forward to it for several years. I had gone with friends on their 21st birthday before when they got alcohol for the first time.

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more ebay

Wow that was fast! Less than 1 day after putting up my item on eBay, someone has already bought it. I hope I don't regret selling it sometimes down the line. In case you hate checking on eBay, or you're reading this in the archive sometime in the future when the item will no longer be on eBay to review, the item I was selling was a Sega Saturn 2-in-1 card. It let you play games that required a 1 Meg/4 Meg card, plus it lets you play Japanese, USA, or Europe games on your one game system without installing any extra hardware. It is somewhat rare. I got it and a similar device a few weeks ago (I got two because I knew they were rare).

Starting like two days ago, it started snowing. And snowing. And then it snowed some more. Me and my g/f were stuck at our house for days. We both missed work. I made it out of my house one time, but after doing donuts on the un-plowed high way, I promptly returned home in fear of my life.
We also just got our water back on. It had been off for a few days because of the below freezing temperatures we have had.
Just last night, after spending around 3 hours shoveling my street, I was able to get my car out again. A lot of highways still weren't plowed of snow.
Now today, there is another winter warning out there. Ice. Lots of ice. The roads that are still partially covered with snow are now covered with ice too. My daughter is stranded at her grandparent's house. They can't make it out, and if I tried to drive there, I would be stuck there too.
And now I hear that there is more snow coming our way. Wheee!

In case you've been wanting to get a Dreamcast anytime soon, be sure to check out Sega.com's online store. They have some good "package" deals on Dreamcast systems, and some games. They also have a lot of their games for just $9.99. Games like Seaman (best selling Dreamcast game in Japan), Space Channel 5, and lots of others are for that low price.

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