
I just installed a new version of the "YaBB" forum software on my web page... It has a bunch of new features, but also seems buggy at the same time. :/ Please play with it and tell me if you notice any problems.

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fun links

Some fun links:

Kitty Porn
Free Telephone Sex
Porn Star or Pony?

Well, the holiday season is about over. We just have New Years now, and then that's it for holidays for a while. I hope all you little Christians out there had a fun Christmas. I had a few people at my work seem to get all upset when I told them I didn't really like to celebrate it. It shocked them to think that there is people in this world not like them. I reminded them that most people on earth don't celebrate Christmas, so why is it a big deal I don't either? I don't like it, but I still did stuff with my family, and was happy to accept gifts and money from them. :)

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A new version of SNES9x for Sega Dreamcast is out.

Just picked up "Final Fantasy VIII" on clearance for $9 at Sears. Just gotta find the hookups for my PSX now. I also just saw a "PSOne" in person tonight at the store. Damn, they be tiny! Of course I already have a PSX, so a PSOne would be pointless, plus I expect to have a PS2 (someday), so I certainly will have enough systems to play PSX games. ;p

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deleted stuff.

I recently deleted some stuff off my web server, things like the 3dfx Banshee survey and some misc files.

So if you try to access something, and you get a 404 error, that's probably something I deleted. :)

If there was something you just *wanted* too see, contact me, and I might have a local copy of whatever it is and can post it again.

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NetZero is going to start charging for net access. If I still used NetZero, they would charge me $9.95 a month. I've had my DSL for over half a year though, so I'm not too worried about NZ. A lot of people out there use it (with and without the banner) as their main connection to the net, and this would probably make them pretty upset.

For any DSL user out there that uses PPPoE to connect to the net, a new version of RASPPPOE is out.
It was released as a Christmas present on the night of the 24th.
Currently, RASPPOE is THE best PPPoE connection software there is.
It was written from the ground up for Windows 2000, and then ported to Win98/ME.
To get it, you can get it here:
(Windows 95 through Windows XP)

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