
I wish I had lots of money. Enough to buy a new car and house. But I don't. I don't even have enough money to live in my current house, or to keep my current car in working order. :(

Some minor site changes, plus I tried to sort the Menu out a little.

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I was talking to someone recently about my site. I mentioned my 4+ year old Gravity Kills section, and they didn't even know I had such a section. I have several sections that are close to 5 years old now on my site. Most people who have visited my site may have never seen them. I was thinking perhaps those sections took around 2 clicks to get to from my main page, so most people didn't even bother. Basically what I'm saying is I took the links from my Misc section, and put them all on my Menu to the left.

links..! Read More »


As a reminder to most, my BBS is up and running again at full speed. It has been down a lot over the past few week because of various problems I had little to no control over. As a result of one of the issues, the BBS data was rolled back to mid December... That caused some accounts to get deleted, and progress in online games like LoRD to get turned back.

You can access my BBS with just about any Telnet client. The address is (DOWN). Visit The PyroKinetic (DOWN) web site for more information on the BBS, and to download a nice Win32 Telnet app.

In case you're wondering - No, the crazy dancing mice and flash animations are not permanent here. I'll remove them whenever I feel like it. ;p

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id Software sent out letters/e-mail telling sites to take down their copies of Quake 1 for Dreamcast. Even though the Quake source was free, the game content was not. The copy of Quake being spread around contained game data from the full/commercial game.
Since it is a direct PC port, the data can be messed with in the same way. Quake 1 for DC has been "re-released" with the Quake 1 Demo files (the first "episode"). There is also instructions at DC Emu on copying your full Quake 1 game data to the Dreamcast CD to return the game to the full version.

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A friend just showed me this link. It's about some guy that was trying to play EverQuest, and like his kid started crying, so he KILLED it.

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