bridge builder
Anytime in school when I was bored (which was most of the time), I would always doodle on whatever was in font of me (usually not a book though)... One of the things I would draw would be some random landscape, and like a series of lines to make some kind of bridge to make the land passable. Obviously, it seems I wasn't the only person who has done this. Today I found a link to a program called Bridge Builder. You are given some landscape that has what looks like a lake in it. You then must place pieces of a bridge in such a way that the bridge can support its own weight, and the weight of a train. Check it out, it's quite adicting.
After going through some backup CDs of mine, I came across some zipped up sites I use to have... I have them uploaded to the server now, I just need to post the links to where they are at... I will do that later.