bridge builder

Anytime in school when I was bored (which was most of the time), I would always doodle on whatever was in font of me (usually not a book though)... One of the things I would draw would be some random landscape, and like a series of lines to make some kind of bridge to make the land passable. Obviously, it seems I wasn't the only person who has done this. Today I found a link to a program called Bridge Builder. You are given some landscape that has what looks like a lake in it. You then must place pieces of a bridge in such a way that the bridge can support its own weight, and the weight of a train. Check it out, it's quite adicting.

After going through some backup CDs of mine, I came across some zipped up sites I use to have... I have them uploaded to the server now, I just need to post the links to where they are at... I will do that later.

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dc games

Over the past few days, a lot of places have had sales on Dreamcast games. Games could be had for the dying system for around $2.50 each at places like Best Buy and Target. In the past week, I've bought around 7 Dreamcast games, four of which were just $2.50. One of the games I just got was "The Next Tetris: Online Edition." I already have The Next Tetris for PSX, but I was willing to buy it again because I was really looking forward to playing it online.
Well, I set up online accounts in the game for me and my wife, and I went online...only to see NO ONE else on! Ever since getting this game last week, I've only seen other people on TWICE. One person quit out after joining, and the other person played against my wife a few times. This game is starting to seem like a waste of money.
If anyone has this game, get online with it! If you don't have it yet, get it and get online.

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echo..... echo... echo....

I'm still here...

I'm still trying to settle down at my new place of residence. My computer right now is on a coffee table. Not much of a place to work. I still don't have my scanner hooked up, but as soon as I do, I will have some wedding photos.

I finally got my DSL back. It went off on Jan 31st, when I had my phone turned off at my old place. It just came on on Feb 19th at my new place. Unfortunately, it is no longer 1.544 Mbps, but instead 384 Kbps. The reason I got for this was because of a distance/line quality issue. :(

I have YaBB 1 Gold Beta 5 installed on my Forum. It features some fixes over previous versions of the software.

Over the past few days, I've been having a blast with my new Broadband Adapter I got for my Dreamcast. Phantasy Star Online and Quake 3 work great with it. I even downloaded an app that lets me copy Dreamcast games from the DC to my PC over the Broadband Adapter (which is just a simple network card).

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wedding pictures

I will try to have some pictures soon of my wedding. I've been in the process of moving the past few days - and I don't have access to a computer & scanner right now.

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