damn yamaha

after exchanging some e-mails with Yamaha, i called their tech support number to see about getting my cd burner fixed.

their response? no receipt, no help.

i was told that i wouldnt be covered under their warranty unless i had my receipt still. they then gave me two options; one - buy a refurbished cd burner from them for $160, or pay $160 to fix mine. either way, it's not worth it.

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cd-burner broke.

I hate this shit. My CD burner just died on me... Its been dying for a few months now, since the beginning of February, but now it's just dead. I have a Yamaha 4416S internal drive, it has worked great since I got it around mid 2000. When I try to burn stuff now, I get "spindle servo failure" and "track following error" with any type of disc and any cd burning program I use. Those errors mean the drive is fucked and needs to be repaired.
I don't know how or where to get the drive fixed though!!! If I bought it from Sears, I know I could get it replaced - with no questions asked, - but I got it from CompUSA or something.
I e-mailed Yamaha about it, but I haven't gotten a reply yet... I have 5 CDs worth of crap on my hard drive I want to burn and then delete.
If anyone can help me in finding a super fucking cheap replacement - or can help me get my drive fixed, please, e-mail me! I hate being without a burner.

cd-burner broke. Read More »

older layouts

Ok, here are the links to my older site layouts...

From Jan 28th, 2000.
From July 1st, 1999.
From October 22nd, 1997.
From November 6th, 1996.

I'm still looking for older ones. I have had my site hosted on so many providers, and it still shocks me to see a site of mine hosted on Tripod 5 years after setting it up. I have long forgotten the password to access the account, so it will remain as is, forever, bad links and everything.
As a side note about the site layouts, don't expect to have shit work in them... ;p

older layouts Read More »

java access

I now have a web/java interface to my BBS, so you can play LoRD or whatever without having to download a Telnet client.


The only real difference between using the web version and using a real telnet client is the nasty fonts, but I'm looking into fixing that. ;p

To help let people know whether or not my home "server" is up (which runs my BBS and a web server), I have placed a link to an image on my home server at the bottom of this page. At the very bottom of the menu, if an image displaying the word "UP!" appears, it means my server is up and should be fully functional. If the word "UP!" isn't there, then the web server or the whole server is down, which means no BBS and no LoRD for a lot of people.

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bt848 drivers

I have uploaded some Brooktree 848 WDM drivers (Win2k compatible) to my web server. Click here to get them. I have used these with my STB TV PCI.
I will add a section for the drivers to my Files section sometime in the future (which could be anywhere from 1 day to 4 years).
The reason I posted these was because I pretty sure others out there may want some WDM/Win2k drivers that work with their STB TV PCI card.
I hope to someday have a better "hacked driver" section of my site, containing modified drivers I have used in the past.

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