fucking web page provider...

my webpage provider billed me THREE times this month - which put my bank account over the limit.
the bank charged me $20 overdraft fee. of course since my account was empty, every charge after the webpage provider's was also an overdraft, and every charge got followed up with another $20 overdraft fee.
before i knew it, i was negative $100 in my checking account. that is NOT good.. i've been hurting for money for a while, and then my webpage provider rips me off and my bank slaps fines on me like mad because of it..

fucking web page provider... Read More »


.. to those who e-mailed me about the "link exchange" idea i had, e-mail me again... i lose track of all the e-mail i get most of the time unless its something from eBay or some other "sign up" e-mail..

my bbs/server has been up and down the past few days because i have been fucking with my server... i was trying to get it to work nicely with the two network cards in it.. i now have Windows 2000 installed on it too.

blah Read More »

bbs up...

i have my server up again....

ive been going through all the trouble with my home networking just to try to get my Mac working right on it... ;p

bbs up... Read More »

bbs down, again...

my bbs has been going up and down several times a day..

ive been trying to get my home network set up right so that my main pc, my server, my powerPC, and everything else on my hub (which can include things like my laptop and Dreamcast, or other computers in my house) - is working fine with internet access.

bbs down, again... Read More »

new burner...

looks like im going to be getting a new cd-burner soon to replace my Yamaha 0x/0x/16x unit. i'm buying someone's old unit from them for $90. since ive been having money problems the past 3 years or so, i will be paying in installments.
i never realized how much a cd-burner meant to me until mine broke. my burner sometimes sat a few weeks without me using it, but i always knew it was there if i did want to use it.
until i get my new burner, a friend has lent me his external USB cd-burner.
for anyone trying to connect right this second, my server/bbs is down. after my scsi-based burner died and i was going to buy this one dude's IDE burner, i decided it was time to move some stuff out of my main system and into the server to "air out" my main PC since its been overheating recently. i pulled my 56k modem (my only ISA piece of hardware), my scsi-2 card, my internal zip drive, my USB webcam, and my 6.4 gig hd out of my main PC and put it all in/on the server. this sudden stream of new hardware to my 4-year old server has seemed to cause some problems. its down while i mess with settings, and defrag the hard drive.

new burner... Read More »