banshee link
for those looking for the latest hacked banshee drivers, be sure to check out here.
just hit PayPal over and over sending people money i owed..
i should be getting a Mac AAUI to RJ-45 transceiver and a new Mac mouse..
i also got some PayPal payments myself for the computer junk i auctioned on eBay the other day... just have to package up a few things today or tomorrow..
i will be auctioning more computer stuff off, like ram, motherboards, and more CPUs.
well, the eBay auctions ended, and i ended up selling two items!
i still havent gotten anything back from my bank/Visa or from my web hosting company about the money that i was ripped off of. :(
if you were going to place a bid on the wonderful items i have for sale on eBay - now is the time! just two days left... actually, it seems nobody wants my l33t hardware. i did get 2 bids on my mouse adapter thing though. hopefully i will get some real bids when i put things up for sale like my Pentium OverDrive CPU (its a Pentium chip that you can put in 486 systems), and some ram (mostly 30 pin SIMMS).