Me and my baby had a small conversation...

Even though my kid can only say a few words, (mostly variations of "dad," "da-da," and "daddy"), me and her a conversation today for the first time.

I said to her "Hi Pikachu!" (me and my wife call her Pikachu a lot - in fact she seems to respond to that name more than her real name).

And she responded to me with "Hi da-da!"

Earlier today her and my wife both called out "Dad!" over and over to get me out of bed. My wife would yell "Dad!," and then my daughter would yell out "Dad!" It was so cute.

Me and my baby had a small conversation... Read More »

My baby walked on her own today

She's pulled herself up and stood on her own before, but today for the first time she walked on her own..

Three separate times today she attempted to take steps without holding on to anything. She got up to 2 steps before falling down.

At our new apartment she finally has a lot of room to crawl around and play. She is very happy here (its on the 1st floor too, so its safer compared to apartments on the second or third floor).

My baby walked on her own today Read More »

its been a long time...!

WOW! its been a long time since my last update... and a really long time since an update on my personal life.

anyway, here is a quick run down of stuff going on in my life:

i traded my laptop i had for an old Acer system. the system is all black, including the monitor. the system was a Pentium 60, with 8 megs of ram. i gutted the main system and put a Pentium MMX 266 in it with my Banshee and TV card. it now serves as a nice entertainment center in my new place - which brings me to the next event in my life -

i just moved! i finally got out of my mom's basement after months and into an apartment with my wife and daughter. its a nice spacious two bedroom place in my hometown. rent is cheap, and its in a great location. i was able to keep my same phone number after moving (my phone number has changed like 5 times in the past three years for every time i moved).

there were two bad things about moving, one was that i am without DSL again, and stuck on a 56k modem (which i make connect at 33.6 for games). the other bad thing is that i can't have gerbils! one of the things that was on the contract here was that small animals like mice, gerbils, rats, ferrets, etc are not allowed. that means that this is the first time in 11 years that i dont have a gerbil! no more gerbil cam, ever (or at least until i move to someplace where having a gerbil is allowed).

its been a long time...! Read More »

sound driver update

i have updated the "hacked" CMI8738 sound drivers i have. the link to the drivers is still HERE, the same file name i used before. the drivers contain a single updated file, "Audio3D.dll" - which is supposed to improve sound and fix some compatibility issues.

sound driver update Read More »