new computer stuff

i just ordered an almost complete system upgrade from

ECS K7S6A Pro motherboard
AMD Athlon XP T-bred 2000+ cpu
Thermaltake Volcano 7 fan/heatsink
Lite-On 52/24/52 cd-burner
Samsung SyncMaster 955DF 19" monitor

all that cost under $500... thank goodness for tax refund money.

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updated xdn tweaker

jan 28th edit - the Reset Folder button in the Tweak program will cause it to crash. the program is expecting a non existent DLL to be in a certain location. i have the button currently disabled until i learn how to write some different registry routines. :(

i have a new version of my XdN Tweaker now. it's up to an amazing two features!!

you can grab it here

here a screen shot:

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new program

i've been doing some Visual Basic programming lately, updating some old programs, and working on some new ones.

one of the new ideas i had was to make some simple tweaking program of sorts. i wanted my tweaking program to at least have something i haven't seen in other tweaking programs. one of those things was sort of a "fix" for Windows XP that made dealing with DivX videos on my system a lot easier.

it didn't take long, and i have a sample of the Tweak program available now.
all it does at this time is one video fix for Windows XP.

you can view images and download a copy from my visual basic programming section.

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