Newegg WinXP reviews. kekekeke ^_____^

i saw a link on for $147 for the Full version of OEM Windows XP Pro w/ SP1 (comes with hardware to make it legit). seems like good deal (XP Pro full goes for $299).

i noticed some people reviewed it, so i decided to read some of the poor reviews.

1/5 stars:
Linux Red Hat 9 is better than XP, easier to use and more stable. Also you can easy run server from your PC, XP can't.
Buy Linux Red Hat 9 and see for your self.
No more scanning from XP info about you to microsoft, you want more security, Linux ix the only way.
There is 1 Millinon software already for Linux and most of them are free from Internet

I own both OEM WinXP and Win2K, and found WinXP to be the slower more troublesome of the 2.

I installed WinXP Pro (SP1 integrated) and upon the first boot, I experienced errors that occurred over and over such as shlwapi.dll crashing explorer.exe and a clean setup was rare (even after BIOS flash).
I recommend buying XP Pro w/o the Service Pack so you can "upgrade" at your own risk.

2/5, some guy complaining that he can't do illegal stuff with it:
I got this product and it worked on one of my computers. When i purchased Windows 2000, i could install it as many times as i want. With this version i could only install it on one computer. Newegg should put somthing that says this on the site because i would like to know that before i spend a lot of money for a liscense for only one computer. Other than that great OS.

5/5, who seemed confused:
Does this version have Office XP preinstalled?

Newegg WinXP reviews. kekekeke ^_____^ Read More »


i did the stop motion animation
put all the frames together, added the text
made the avi of it

a friend of mine did the music
i put them together
blah blah blah

its just 30 seconds long. my friend has made a bunch of music over the years, and i was gonna try to put some of it to video. i got some other stuff in mind that i also want to try to do.

programs used:
me: chillcam (to take the pics), photoshop7 (to add site logo), ulead gif animator 5.0 (to combine pics and make AVI), movie maker 2.0 (to combine AVI and MP3), tmpgenc 2.5 (to cut down to 30 seconds), windows media encoder 9 (to convert back to WMV)

him: "altoMP3 maker" (not sure wtf that is), and i *think* OrionPro ..


warranty? what warranty?

this past tuesday i got a Samsung SyncMaster 955DF 19" monitor from

i plug it in, and start to use it - and notice some dead pixels on the screen. several of the pixels are solid black. there is like 3 pixels in various parts of the screen that are out, and then like 5 more pixels all in one spot that are out, forming what looks like a big black dot.

basically, i got a bad monitor. i go to to try to RMA it and get it swapped for another one. wont do an RMA on it, and tells me to use the manufacturer's warranty. so i contact Samsung. they tell me i need to pay to ship it to some repair center 300 miles away (and they offered me driving directions if i wanted to take it up there myself and save on shipping). i tell them that i just paid a bunch of money to have it shipped to me, and it doesnt work, and now i have to pay money to ship it back?

basically, long story short, - i'm paying $40 to get another monitor sent to me --- a REFURBISHED ONE. not a new one. i just paid for a new one, and they offered to give me a refurbished one in its place since the new one didn't work. so what can i do? just live with the dead pixels? they get really annoying, as so many of them are "out" .. and my "3 Year Warranty" that is advertised on the monitor (it even has a sticker right above the screen that boasts that), i still have to pay, and only get a used one in return.

if anyone works for Samsung or any place that could swap me for a brand new Samsung SyncMaster 955DF, feel free to contact me. it was a $230 monitor, but i paid like $30 shipping, and paid another $40 shipping to get a different one. i'm out $300 now for will end up being a used/refurbished monitor. and what if that one is bad too? will i have to keep paying to try different ones? is great and everything, but i think my next monitor purchase will be from a local store so i know i can exchange it.

warranty? what warranty? Read More »