Uninstall Retrospect

Verify Retrospect Client is stopped:

service retro stop

Remove "retro_enable" from /etc/rc.conf

Remove these two lines in /etc/profile:


Remove the 4 lines that were added to /usr/share/info/dir:

Retrospect Client 
* retroclient: (retroclient). Retrospect Client.
* retrocpl: (retroclient)retrocpl. Retrospect Client Control Panel.

(Note that these lines may be repeated several times.)

Delete the following files & directories if they exist.

rm /etc/retroclient.excludes
rm /usr/share/info/retroclient.info.gz
rm /usr/local/man/man1/retrocpl.1.gz
rm /usr/local/man/man1/retroclient.1.gz
rm /var/log/retroclient.*
rm /var/log/retropds.log*
rm /var/log/retro.log
rm /usr/local/etc/rc.d/retro
rm -fr /usr/local/retrospect/