Windows UAC

I don't have this page completed yet.

In Windows 7, Microsoft has added their own interface for controlling and changing User Account Control.

The default setting is to no longer prompt if the user tries to perform a protected action. It will still prompt if an application attempts to perform a protected action.

The second option disables "Secure Desktop", where Windows would black out the Desktop and lock all visual elements other than the UAC prompt itself.

Under Vista and Server 2008, if you disable the UAC prompt for regular users, they will get a policy error if they try to run anything that requires admin privileges.

Some of the tweaks used under Windows Vista:

"Disable or enable UAC for Administrator accounts"



Set ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin to 0


Set ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin to 1

"Disable the annoying full screen "blackness" UAC prompt."



Set PromptOnSecureDesktop to 0


Set PromptOnSecureDesktop to 1