MSNM Patch

Note, this is from June 22nd, 2004! This page is really outdated.

For a current MSN/Windows Messenger patch, visit the excellent A-Patch site!

This is for MSN Messenger version 6.2.0137: (48k)

Use MSN Messenger?

Have version 6.2? (6.2.0133)

Use MSN Messenger Plus!?

Want a smaller buddy list window?

Here's a solution!

Download the File here: (48k)

To install, exit out of MSN Messenger and copy the new DLL to your MSN Messenger folder (usually C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger). Make a backup copy of the orignal DLL if you wish.


April 26th, 2004

The "msgslang.dll" DLL came from MSN Messenger 6.2.0133.
It will most likely NOT work in other versions of MSN Messenger!

The DLL was changed with Resource Hacker.
Some things may not work as expected. Use at your own risk!



- Changed the "Actions" menu into a sub-menu of "Contacts."

- Changed some errors on the Help and Tools menu that popped up after the move.
The Help menu item was suddenly empty, and the Tools menu no longer
showed "Audio/Video Tuning Wizard..."