cd-burner broke.

I hate this shit. My CD burner just died on me... Its been dying for a few months now, since the beginning of February, but now it's just dead. I have a Yamaha 4416S internal drive, it has worked great since I got it around mid 2000. When I try to burn stuff now, I get "spindle servo failure" and "track following error" with any type of disc and any cd burning program I use. Those errors mean the drive is fucked and needs to be repaired.
I don't know how or where to get the drive fixed though!!! If I bought it from Sears, I know I could get it replaced - with no questions asked, - but I got it from CompUSA or something.
I e-mailed Yamaha about it, but I haven't gotten a reply yet... I have 5 CDs worth of crap on my hard drive I want to burn and then delete.
If anyone can help me in finding a super fucking cheap replacement - or can help me get my drive fixed, please, e-mail me! I hate being without a burner.