fucking assholes...

recently i've been hearing some ads for the phone number "1-800-ANXIETY" on the radio. they say they can help people with all kinds of problems.
i called them up expecting some counselers or something that talk about depression or whatever. what i got was some salesmen trying to fucking sell $450 worth of self help cassette tapes.
the radio advertisements really made it sound like they were legit, and there for the people who needed help. but they're just a bunch of fucks who don't give a DAMN about the people who call. they just want your money. they wont offer help. they wont direct you to where you can get help. they will however, tell you how you need their tapes. how every issue in your life means you need their tapes. how you wont be able to live past this year unless you buy their tapes. there is no promise that they will work. no guarantee that the tapes will even make sense to you or relate to any problems you have. they just want your fucking money, and don't give a fuck what happens to you. if you dare tell them you dont want tapes, you want to talk to someone about your problems, they get all smart with you and say some shit like "well, it seems you're not serious about getting help. as soon as you're serious about getting help, you can call us back and get our tapes. have a good day." *click* ......... fucking assholes. i hope someone sues them for their shitty "we just want to help" ads.