Over the past few days, a lot of places have had sales on Dreamcast games. Games could be had for the dying system for around $2.50 each at places like Best Buy and Target. In the past week, I've bought around 7 Dreamcast games, four of which were just $2.50. One of the games I just got was "The Next Tetris: Online Edition." I already have The Next Tetris for PSX, but I was willing to buy it again because I was really looking forward to playing it online.
Well, I set up online accounts in the game for me and my wife, and I went online...only to see NO ONE else on! Ever since getting this game last week, I've only seen other people on TWICE. One person quit out after joining, and the other person played against my wife a few times. This game is starting to seem like a waste of money.
If anyone has this game, get online with it! If you don't have it yet, get it and get online.