Office 2003 SP install asks for CD.


While installing a slipstreamed install of Office 2003 SP3, after a bit the program will tell you to insert to the Office CD to continue installation.

It may show that it is currently trying to copy the "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Infopath.SemiTrust.dll" file.

I read this was the fix:

Well, it wasn't.

I tried doing it this way:
msiexec /p c:\Office2003SP3\MAINSP3.msp /a c:\Office2003\PRO11.MSI MSINODISABLEMEDIA=1 shortfilenames=true /qb

msiexec /p c:\Office2003SP3\OWC11SP3.msp /a c:\Office2003\OWC11.MSI MSINODISABLEMEDIA=1 shortfilenames=true /qb

Still nothing. It would still nag me to insert the disc if I wasn't installing from the hard drive.
Pretty silly. Install from the hard drive and everything is fine. Copy the files to a CD and the program tells you to insert the CD.

I finally gave up after finding this:
Office Integrator

It doesn't use the Microsoft slipstream method. Instead, it simply extracts the updates and rebuilds the CABs with all the updated files.

The installation acts like the original, untouched install, but it copies the most up to date files instead.

It's not so much a fix as a work around, but documentation for slipstreaming isn't as good as it could be.